The Walking Dead breathed life back into the Zombie genre. Halloween is nearly upon us. Let’s go zombie crazy with these funny zombie memes!

Funny Memes About Zombies
There’s something about zombie movies and TV shows that seems to grab our attention.Inevitably, these have become to source of an endless series of funny zombie memes.
Time to check out these zombie memes!
Zombie Meme With Grumpy Cat
We kick off with a meme that combines zombies with the famous grumpy cat meme!
Everybody you’ve ever known is dead. Good.
Zombie on the Loo
We’ve all felt like this at some point!
We’ve all been in urgent need of the toilet at some point! It also gives you time to think about the great bog roll debate.
Zombie Takes A Selfie
Zombie selfies – we can’t wait for Halloween again this year!
Forrest Gump Zombie Meme
Run Forrest, run!
Zombie Get The Munchies
The Evolution of Zombies
Don’t be afraid of the Zombie apocalypse…
Funny Zombie Jokes
These zombie jokes are drop-dead funny!
Q: Where do you go to buy zombies?
A: The monSTORE!
Q: What did the man say to his forgetful zombie wife?
A: You forgot your HEAD because it wasn’t attached!
Q: Who did the zombie take out for dinner?
A: His GHOULfriend!
Q: Why did the zombie ignore all his new Facebook friends?
A: He was still DIGESTING all his old Facebook friends!
Q: What is a zombie’s favorite toy?
A: A DEADY bear!
Q: Why did the zombie buy a Jet Ski?
A: He wanted to ENJOY the apocalypse!
Q: What do you call a zombie with lots of kids?
A: A MOMster!
Q: What kind of candy do zombies refuse to eat?
A: LIFE Savers!
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