Tourette’s isn’t funny. OK, yes it is. Tourette’s is really, really funny! Here’s a collection of the best funny Tourette’s memes and funny Tourette’s videos for you to laugh your ass off at!

Funny Tourette’s Collection
You’ve probably heard of Tourette’s, and almost certainly seen a video or two about it. There have even been a couple of documentaries featuring people who have tourette’s.
Let’s be honest – it has to be a nightmare having it, BUT, it is a little bit funny.
What is Tourette’s?
Tourette syndrome (TS or simply Tourette’s) is a common neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood, characterized by multiple motor tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic. … Tourette’s is defined as part of a spectrum of tic disorders, which includes provisional, transient and persistent (chronic) tics.
We’re glad we cleared that up!
Funny Tourette’s Memes and Videos
It’s been a tough job collecting this great collection, but someone has to do it. We did at first think of doing a piece on famous people with Tourette’s, but only one person came to mind:
We’re still waiting for the official diagnosis though!
Ok, let’s get on with the memes and videos!
Funny Tourretes Memes
Here are just some of the great funny tourettes memes that we found online. Add these to your meme collection by pinning them to pinterest, or sharing them on Facebook!
Our favourite though, is this one about a Tourette’s School for the deaf
Funny Tourettes Videos
Of course, it’s the videos which really show Tourettes for what it is! Check out these funny Tourette’s videos, and see what you think. There’s nothing like seeing it in action!
3 Men With Tourette’s On Holiday
Even the title of this video is beyond awesome!
Tourette’s Karaoke
And finally, we have what is quite possibly the world’s finest piece of art. Tourette’s Karaoke. Take it away boys, and show us what you’ve got!
Which one of those Tourette’s Karaoke is you fave? We love them both!!
More funny memes
Before you go, check out these other funny memes: